Friday, June 17, 2011

Mea culpa, mea culpa

It's true. I've been remiss in posting to my blog in the past month. Things have been so busy in and around the farm that time has gotten away from me.

We've finally finished lambing. I'll post the statistics and some photos in a separate blog. Out of all ewes bred, only two did not catch so I figure I'm not doing too badly. :) Lots of twinse this year and some really beautiful lambs. Our naming theme for the girls will be flowers. Not sure how I'll name the boys yet. And there are definitely some boys worth naming! So far, I have five ewe lambs that I've already tagged as keepers. Uh oh... DH may have a bit of an issue with my flock management plan this year. Hmmm...

On the duck front, we had six ducklings successfully hatch this month, four drakes and two hens. The hens will stay, the drakes will be for sale. Unfortunately, I lost my last remaining adult drake. :( it looks like the girls may have trampled him somehow. So this fall I'll be on the hunt for a new Runner Drake. It's a good excuse to hit the Fall bird auctions. We've got the new duck enclosure and summer duck condo built and the ducks will be moving into their new home this weekend. I think they'll be very happy ducks.

We'll be busy over the next few days / weeks as we begin our first cut (hay) of the season. The hay fields have grown incredibly well throughout the month of May and they are ready to be harvested. I'm hoping we'll get two cuts in this year. It would be nice not to have to buy as much hay as we've had to buy in the past few years. The past three hay seasons haven't been the greatest around here and it's about time we get a good one!

There are many more things on our "To Do" list this summer and I'm looking forward to getting to it. So off I go!