Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What I bought at the EBBA auction

I have come to the conclusion that I should never be let loose at an auction with a pocket full of cash. It's dangerous!

I spent St. Patrick's Day at the EBBA (Eastern Bird Breeders Association) Spring auction in Vernon, ON. I went prepared with my shopping list and told myself I would only come home with what was on my list. Well... It didn't quite work out that way.

Donna and I arrived early enough in order to be able to get a good look at all of the lots that were there and note which boxes in which lots we would bid on. Each lot had up to 20 boxes. She was looking to add some Barred Rock hens to her laying flock and she also had a request for a Silkie hen from her neighbour.

After doing some research on various chicken breeds on Friday night, I had finalized my wish list. On this list was a breeding pair of Speckled Sussex, a few extra laying hens (2 or 3) and maybe a Wyandotte or two. Pretty reasonable, right?

Well... Here's what I came home with...

I got my breeding pair of Speckled Sussex (yay!)
I bought a breeding pair of Red Laced Wyandottes (nice looking birds)
I bought a trio of laying hens. They look to be Polish crosses of some sort.

And then I bought...
A pair of Black Wyandotte bantams - they were too cute to resist. Two other pairs of bantams, one of which I bid on thinking it was two hens. Oops! I gave away one of the roos to a young girl who was sitting in front of me. She was thrilled to be going home with her own chicken. :) I still have an extra roo looking for a home. Two Buff Orpington hens and a trio (two pullets and a cockerel) of Salmon Faverolles.

For a total of 17 new birds taking up residence at the farm. Did I mention that I also picked up two dozen fertile Ameracauna eggs from a friend of mine? They're in the incubator now. We should have chicks just in time for Easter.

Donna got her four Barred Rock hens and we ended up getting a black Silkie pullet, white Silkie rooster and a really neat looking Polish-cross hen for her neighbour.

In addition to all of the birds, we also picked up a few supplies while we were there. Needless to say, the van had no room left in it once we got all of our birds and supplies loaded up for the trip home!

It turns out that the standard hens (7) that I bought on the weekend are laying. The bantam hens are as well. I am now ovverun with eggs and need to hunt up a few new customers! A dozen eggs a day has been our production this week.

Since the auction, I have sold the trio of hens that I purchased plus my extra EE rooster to a good friend and neighbour down the road. She is starting up a small laying flock for eggs for her and her family. The girls (and boy) will be moving to their new digs in the next week or two.

I am now starting to plan my chicken barn and runs so that all of these pretties can free range this summer and stay happy and healthy.

Pics of my new birds will come soon. I really am turning into a crazy chicken lady...

Friday, March 16, 2012

It's been so long...

I can't believe it's been so long since I last wrote on this blog. I knew I would be an irregular blogger when I started this blog but I honestly didn't think I would go quite so long between entries!

So much has happened on the farm, it's hard to sum it all up in one entry. So, I'll just go with the highlights.

Last March, I wrote about crossing over into a parallel universe. That of birds. Well, it turns out that I've discovered a new passion - fancy chickens. We now have a small flock of Ameracaunas and Easter Eggers and have been selling farm fresh eggs to a small but loyal group of customers.

Tomorrow, I am heading to the annual Eastern Bird Breeders Association spring auction in Vernon, ON. I hope to be adding to my collection of chickens with some more purebred Ameracaunas as well as some Speckled Sussex hens and maybe a Welsummer or Barnvelder or two. I've been looking forward to this sale for months! I am also picking up two dozen fertile Ameracauna eggs that I ordered from a fellow bird fancier and will be hatching those out. I am hoping to hatch out black, blue and splash babies. Depending on the success of the hatch, I may have pullets and cockerels for sale later this spring.

The ducks have found a new home, at least for now. Having ducks this past year taught me a great deal but the most important thing it taught me is that in order to own waterfowl, one needs a proper waterfowl habitat. Otherwise, things just get plain messy. Ducks are messy creatures. So! Until I can build a proper habitat for them, the walking bowling pins will no longer be residing on the farm. :(

Sheep!!! (For sale)
On the sheep front, so many changes are happening... We are now running a fully closed flock. No outside stock will be added to the flock for the next several years, which I find exciting. We have enough genetic diversity to last us a few generations. Yay!

We have also decided to reduce our purebred Shetland flock by close to half this year and focus on building up our mulesheep flock. As a result, I am currently putting together a sales list which includes some really exceptional Shetland sheep.

First on the list is WillowGarden Wedge. Wedge has served me very well over the years as flock sire and he has improved fleeces in my flock, no doubt about it. I have a 2009 son of his that I am keeping and from whom I am expecting lambs for the first time this year.

My current Shetland ram flock includes Wedge, FirthofFifth Aman (who is not for sale), Gizmo (Wedge's son) and my 2011 scurred yearling ram by Aman, out of Elwyn who will be staying as well. This means that I have one too many Shetland rams.

Since I have several daughters of Wedge's, and of course his son, Wedge needs to find a new home. If you are interested in Wedge, let me know. His price is $300 (firm) which is an absolute bargain for this boy.

I have a number of bred ewes, due to lamb in May, that are also available. I have some yearling ewes for sale as well, out of both Wedge and Aman. All will be reasonably priced and a $25/head discount will be offered to anyone purchasing 3 or more sheep.

Please keep an eye here on the blog over the next few weeks as I begin to post the sales list and pictures. If you are looking for anything in particular, drop me a line. I may have what you are looking for. Want the ewe but don't want the lambs? No problem, we'll take the lambs back or we'll lamb down the ewe and you can pick her up once babies are weaned. Simply let us know your preference.